Defending Freedom, Championing Prosperity
leading the fight for your values in the utah house of representatives
Get to Know Jordan
Jhas been a resident of South Jordan for over 30 years. A Jordan School District graduate, he is now raising his own family here with his wife, Aliona, and their three kids. He is deeply invested in the community’s future.
Jordan graduated with honors from BYU and the J. Reuben Clark Law School. He has experience working in constitutional law and international legal reform. He now works for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, negotiating complex legal agreements.
Jordan is constantly serving—coaching local sports teams, volunteering as a substitute teacher, and giving back to the community he loves. Serving in the Utah House of Representatives since 2021, he has worked tirelessly to protect Utah values and advocate for our community’s needs.
Recognized as a 2024 Defender of Liberty and 2024 Business Champion, Jordan has been honored for his commitment to protecting life, liberty, and individual liberties.
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Excited to report that HB292 passed committee today with a favorable recommendation and is now headed to the House floor! This bill focuses on improving clarity and consistency in political sign regulations across Utah. ... See MoreSee Less
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Does your Bill include a requirement that political signs must state the candidate’s correct District?
If you were my representative I’d move out of that district to avoid the embarrassment of even being associated as one of your constituents.
Not gonna gloat about HB267?
Had the opportunity to speak with the students at Early Light Academy today. They asked thoughtful questions about my role as a Representative and how the Utah Legislature works.
It’s always great to see young minds engaged in civic education—we have some very bright students here in Utah! Thanks for having me!
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And did you tell them what you heard on the senate floor today? That legislators sometimes need to “be brave and vote what we want even if it’s not what our constituents want” or did you tell them you are representing your constituents interests and not your own agenda? So disappointed in our “representatives” today and their blatant actions to NOT represent the people’s wishes. Stop attacking public education.
What where their thoughts when you told them that their educators are second class citizens and they should just go back in the bottom of the boat and row? How did they feel when you told them because of your role in harming the public safety in this state that they better plan on moving out of Utah if they want a secure job with an ability to have fair and open negotiations? You should be ashamed…
Was that before or after you snuck in a vote for HB 267 and screwed over every teacher, firefighter, and police officer in this state?
Last night, we had a great turnout for Family Night at the Capitol. I had the opportunity to walk through the legislative process in Utah, answer questions, and take constituents on a tour of our beautiful Capitol building.
Engaging with the community is one of the best parts of being a legislator, and I appreciate everyone who took the time to join me. If you couldn’t make it, I’d love to see you next time!
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So cool. Thank you for sharing. How can we learn of such events ahead of time to participate with our kids?
You should be ashamed of yourself. If you cared about your constituents and families like you are portraying, you would not have submitted HB267.
You should be absolutely embarassed for yourself.The firefighters dealt in good faith and you stabbed every single one of us, and by extension, the public in the communities we serve in the back. You betrayed every firefighter, police officer, and teacher in this state.
Grateful to have been presented a gift from the Utah Film Center for advocating for the arts, culture, film, museums and libraries of Utah!
They had representatives from arts, culture, library and film organizations.
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Cool. Now advocate for the people and abandon HB267.
Utah library employees just unionized to have a voice for their rights. Seems like this award was as misguided as HB267.
I had the opportunity to vote for the permanent name for the Utah Hockey Club. Happy to add my vote and support this team as they represent this great state! If you have the opportunity to vote, go and contribute your voice to the future of Utah’s NHL team!
The choices:
Utah Hockey Club
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Please tell me you didn't vote for utah hockey club! 🤣😅 the other 2 are acceptable
I personally like the name “No HB267”
Glad to know you support the Hockey Club even if you don't support the public employees of Utah.
Inside the Utah Legislature: A Day in Session
Ever wonder what a typical day looks like during Utah's legislative session? Here's a typical schedule for me.
Morning: Appropriations subcommittee meetings where lawmakers review budget requests, and ensure taxpayer dollars are allocated responsibly.
Midday: House floor debates and votes on key legislation.
Afternoon: Committee hearings where bills are debated and voted to be recommended to the house floor.
Evening: Reviewing bills, meeting with constituents and stakeholders, and preparing for the next day's discussions.
Every day is an opportunity to shape Utah’s future! Want to keep tabs on the process? Check the committee and floor schedules at to watch the legislative process.
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I'm so excited that despite being exhausted after teaching today, I get to stay up and write legislators that I oppose your bill.
Another day trying to destroy public education! 😡
Standing in the way of teachers and first responders. Unfortunately we have long memories, Jordan.
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